Wind turbine

The wind turbine at the roof of the NTUA’s Chemical Engineering building complex.
At the roof of the NTUA’s Chemical Engineering building complex, a wind turbine Futurenergy of 1 KW average power production is also installed. The wind turbine’s performance characteristics are shown below.
The specific turbine is selected so as to be proper for urban areas having low noise and high-performance level at urban climate.
Technical specifications of wind turbine are as follows:
Nominal Power Output | 1 kW |
Start-up Wind Speed | 2.5 m/sec |
Power Generation Wind Speed | 3.5 m/sec |
Rated Wind Speed | 12.5 m/sec |
Rotor Diameter | 1.8 m |
Number of Blades | 5 |
Generator Type | Three Phase |
Weight | 22 kg |
Also, the wind turbine’s special design offers high resistance against winds exceeding 14 m/s. The turbine’s support pillar is not attached at the center of its main body but at one edge giving it a torque to turn to one side when pushed by the air while its tail is mounted at such angle so as to turn the turbine at exactly the opposite side than its support pillar.
These two create a balance so when the wind’s speed is below 12.5 m/s the turbine stands vertically against wind direction but when the wind’s speed exceeds this value then the tail’s sophisticated structure starts furl the turbine. It will furl it out totally when the speed exceeds 14.0 m/s protecting that way the turbine from excess speeds that could harm it.
The above characteristics guarantee long lasting power supply and resistance against extreme weather conditions.